Riforme e osservanze tra XIV e XVI secolo, Michele Lodone

Michele Lodonemichele.lodone@sns.it

L’obiettivo dell’intervento è presentare le tendenze della storiografia sulle osservanze (fino al Concilio di Trento), in modo da individuare i principali problemi aperti e gli aspetti ancora da indagare. Dal momento che è prevista una sessione dedicata alla storiografia dei singoli Ordini, si adotterà una prospettiva generale e, laddove possibile, comparativa.

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Les Dominicaines ou les paradoxes de l’Observance, Sylvie Duval

Sylvie Duval: duvalsylvie@hotmail.com

Les religieuses associées à l’Ordre dominicain au Moyen Age forment une galaxie dont il est très difficile de cerner nettement les contours. Or il apparaît que la réforme observante de l’Ordre, initiée par le maître général Raymond de Capoue et d’autre disciples de Catherine de Continuer la lecture

Songs of Observant Preachers (or) A Rudder for the Ship of Fools ?, Peter Loewen

Peter Loewen: pvl1@rice.edu

Hieronymus Bosch’s fifteenth-century painting known as the Ship of Fools has long been a target of speculation about the origin and meaning behind its absurd tableau of singers drifting in a sea of drunken bathers. Most historians have propagated an anticlerical view of the two Franciscans portrayed at the physical (and spiritual) center of the scene; yet the fact that they are leading what appears to be a sing-along shows them hewing to their traditional way of life, as “Jongleurs of God,” singers of penitential songs.

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